Justin Gatlin, the fastest man in the world at the moment, has already arrived in the ATA Hotel Villa Pamphili, the headquarter of the meeting. The golden girls of the 100 metres hurdles, Olympic champion Sally Pearson and World Champion Brianna Rollins are already in the Eternal City. Other stars will follow in the next few hours. Some of the stars will take part in the Kid clinics on Wednesday 3rd June in the Marble Stadium.The clinics consist in a series of special training sessions with young athletes from the athletics schools from Lazio. Olympic triple jump silver medallist Will Claye and Jamaican 400m hurdler Kaliese Spencer have pulled out of the meeting. The RunFest, one of the major events of the Golden Gala will open its doors tomorrow. Many activities will be organized for everyone: mini-competitions, plays, meetings with the stars, urban trail, exhibitions and workshops. The detailed three-day programme is available on the following LINK:<link http: www.fidal.it upload files runfest2015_programma.pdf>PRUNFEST - PROGRAMME AND TIMETABLE
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